Monday, July 27, 2009

Rosetta Stone, Spellcast Edition!

If you're an avid user of Windower, the Spellcast plugin is something that you may have some degree of knowledge of. You've either heard about, but didn't care...or you wanted to use it, but it was beyond your brain's grasp to understand. Perhaps you're even some IT developer that drinks a lot of coffee and also pees a lot...and think that both XML and Spellcast are child's play.

On the other hand, if you're like me, learning how to harness the power of Spellcast has been a formidable task quite similar to Frodo Baggins and that hyped up ring. So before you turn in to the likes of Golum, let me tell you this: it's gonna take some work to understand it. So if your knowledge of programming is somewhere between XML guru or only being able to update your myspace page with your latest boobie pics, you'll have to do some homework first:

1. Put down the bong, I need you focused for this.

2. Immerse yourself in the basics of Spellcast as well as how to install it.

3. Install it. Duh!

4. In some cases, I will be using my Corsair as my example so familiarize yourself with it: It's my work in progress so there may be some errors in it currently.

Study them hard! In my next post, our first lesson will be setting up gear sets!

Good luck!

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